Sunday, September 6, 2009

DIRT-worthy news!

In the past week, there have been 3 articles in the NY Times directly related to our topic:
Today's Sunday Magazine article on storage units, "The Self Storage Self"
| September 03, 2009 At Home With E. L. Doctorow: Writing About the Stuff of Legend <>
E. L. Doctorow's new novel is a fictionalized account of the lives of the Collyer brothers, the legendary New York City hoarders, but his own home is as serene as its quiet setting.

Lorrie Moore's new novel deals specifically with housecleaning, as described in 9/1 review:

MADISON, Wis. — Lorrie Moore had just begun working on what would become her new novel, “A Gate at the Stairs,” when she told one interviewer that she was writing a book “about hate.” Later she recalled telling someone else that it was a novel about chores.

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